Yes to education

Yes to education

My name is Gloria S. Dittman and I am a Republican running against Barbara Buono in the 18th Legislative District. My positions on the voucher question are totally different (“Buono says no to vouchers during yeshiva visit,” Oct. 18). I believe parents have a right to send their children to whichever school will provide their child with the best education and learning environment. 

I also believe since we all pay healthy taxes in New Jersey, we, the parents, are entitled to vouchers or credits.  When I was on the Edison Board of Education, there was a group who appeared before us with the intent to start a charter school.  I was the only board member who voted yes; everyone else did not want money leaving their budget. 

How sad is that?   They are not thinking about the welfare of the child, they are thinking about the money. As parents, we have a duty to our children and that duty includes preparing them to be contributing citizens. 

 Do not give up the fight — education is the foundation of a solid citizen.  I often think — knowledge is power!  How true.

Gloria S. Dittman

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