What ‘narrative’?
Rabbi Sharon Brous, either intentionally or through naivete, does not understand the ultimate goal of the Palestinians. (“Quiet majority must bet on peace”). It should beclear to her, and the “quiet majority” she speaks of, that the Palestinians are still waging the 1948 war and will not stop until the State of Israel is destroyed, if not in one large cataclysm, then in stages.
How can there be a two-state solution that Brous advocates for when the Palestinian refusal to recognize the national aspirations of the Jewish people to a state of their own, a Jewish state, undermines the existence of one state in that solution?
As for urging “respect for the dignity of the Palestinian people and national ambitions,” where is Brous’s insistence on respect by the Palestinians for the dignity of the Jewish people? On the state level, there is Palestinian glorification of terrorists and incitement against Jews and Israel. On the street level, Palestinians who work and walk in Jewish communities do so unmolested. But when I go to the Rockefeller Museum just outside the walls of the Old City on the eastern side of Jerusalem, I get jostled on the street. Worse would happen if I ventured alone into an Arab neighborhood.
I am sick and tired, maybe more so than most because of the murder of my daughter Alisa in the early and heady days of the Oslo Accords, of having to listen to peace advocates, such as Rabbi Brous, advance the idea of respect for the Palestinian “narrative,” a touchy-feely word that has become so overused that it has already lost meaning.
There can only be peace between Palestinians and Israelis when the former accepts that Israel and the Jewish people are there to stay.
Stephen M. Flatow
West Orange