What Clinton Must Avoid
Gilbert N. Kahn is a professor of Political Science at Kean University.
At the rate that Donald Trump is going he may self-destruct so badly that he will rule out any possibility of a Republican victory in November. After dissing Paul Ryan, John McCain, and Kelly Ayotte again, as well as the Khan family, Trump is truly turning his campaign into a circus. It now appears that the Republican Party Chair Reince Priebus as well as Rudy Giuliani and Newt Gingrich are trying to intervene with Trump before the entire campaign goes down the tubes even before Labor Day.
The Washington Post, meanwhile, reported today that there is even a theory being mentioned by some Republican leaders and Trump insiders that the GOP nominee may just walk away entirely. He will announce that the system is rigged and he has decided not to run! He will then blame everyone else for forcing him to opt out. Since he has conducted real estate deals this way in the past and since he “never” loses, there would be a consistency to this decision modeled after his business life. It is suggested that the consequences to the Republican Party in 2016 is a nightmare that does not trouble Trump.
Assuming, however, that does not happen, it would seem at this point there may well be only a few scenarios which could prevent Hillary from winning in November; not all of which does she control. Any of these Clinton slips could derail her campaign
- Clinton needs to remain poised and calm in response to any and all ad hominem attacks. She must not allow Trump to shake her composure.
- Clinton needs to insure that she stays substantive in the debates.
- Clinton must continue to make sure that President Clinton says under wraps and follows orders. If Bill Clinton gets out with being totally scripted he could seriously damage the campaign.
- Clinton must stay focused on insuring that her funds continue to roll in.
- Clinton needs to hope that there will be no international or domestic major terrorist incidents between now and Election Day as the Trump image of being tough and powerful could attract significant numbers of waffling voters.
- Clinton must hope that there are no major WikiLeaks disclosures to be released during the course of the campaign which could further damage her credibility.
If these conditions hold, it would appear at this juncture that she has overcame her major challenges and needs only to let Trump continue being his uncontrollable self. The post-Labor Day polls should give a very strong indication how close the election might be and then the poll results following the first debate will tell the rest.