Vicki Kaminowitz

Vicki Kaminowitz

Vicki Goldman Kaminowitz of Somerset died Nov. 23, 2013. She was born in Brooklyn in 1916 and moved to Highland Park in 1994.

She attended Thomas Jefferson High School in Brooklyn and later earned her GED.

As a young woman, Mrs. Kaminowitz was the proprietor of Vicki’s Sweet Shoppe in Brooklyn. She sent items to many World War II soldiers and was honored by Stars and Stripes magazine for her wartime efforts.

A fundraiser, she raised money for The Martin Elk Cancer Research League, Cancer Care, Hadassah, Deborah, and The Scott Hazelcorn Children’s Foundation. She also volunteered for a variety of causes.

She was a member of Highland Park Conservative Temple-Congregation Anshe Emeth, which held a surprise 90th birthday party for her and where she was honored by both Rabbi Eliot Malomet and then-Mayor Meryl Frank, who decreed March 23, 2006, as “Vicki Kaminowitz Day.”

Predeceased by her husband of 43 years, Louis, she is survived by her daughter, Susan (Kaminowitz) Isakoff Berlin (Bill Berlin); her son, Marvin (Kaminowitz) Kane (Judy Kane); three grandchildren; 10 great-grandchildren; and three stepgrandchildren.

Services were held Nov. 26 at HPCT-CAE with arrangements by Crabiel Parkwest Funeral Chapel, New Brunswick. Memorial contributions may be made to National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Connecticut Children’s Medical Center, Massachusetts General Hospital, American Society for the Weizmann Institute of Science (with a note directing donation to the Ben and Shira Fund for Diabetes Research), or The Scott Hazelcorn Children’s Foundation; donations may be sent to Susan Berlin, 47 Raritan Ave., Suite 2A, Highland Park, NJ 08904.

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