Stanley Newman
Stanley Newman, 82, of Springfield died Nov. 15, 2014.
Dr. Newman was a practicing veterinarian and the owner of the Clark Animal Hospital, Clark, prior to his retirement in 1995. He began his career after graduating from veterinary school becoming a licensed veterinarian and the director of animal research for Seton Hall Medical School (now New Jersey Medical School). After that he opened his own practice and animal hospital, Round Valley Animal Hospital in Annandale. He went on to open an animal hospital and practice in Stewartsville and then the Central Animal Hospital in Union before moving on to Clark Animal Hospital.
He held a BS from Rutgers College in New Brunswick and MS and DVM degrees from Michigan State University.
He was a member of Temple Sha’arey Shalom of Springfield and its men’s club, was president of American Veterinarians for Israel, and was a member of the American Veterinarians, Metropolitan Veterinarians, and NJ Veterinarians medical associations.
He is survived by his wife, Arlene; his son, Scott (Sibylle); two daughters, Sheryl (Keith) Odza and Wendy Newman (Lyndon Achee); a sister, Evelyn Hynes; and six grandchildren.
Services were held Nov. 17 with arrangements by Ross’ Shalom Chapels, Springfield.