‘Stand Up for Other’ rally at Rutgers

‘Stand Up for Other’ rally at Rutgers

NEW JERSEYANS of all faiths and backgrounds will pledge to stamp out bigotry at a “Stand Up for the Other” rally on Tuesday, Nov. 1, 7:30-9 p.m. at Douglass Student Center, New Brunswick.

The aim of the coalition of Rutgers University chaplains and student organizations and New Jersey faith communities and ethnic groups is to deliver the message: “If any of our communities are under attack, we will stand up for each other.”

NJ Attorney General Christopher Porrino will give the keynote address; speakers include State Senators Linda Greenstein (D-Dist. 14) and Ray Lesniak (D-Dist. 20) and other faith and civic leaders.

Coalition members are Rutgers Hillel, Center for Islamic Life at Rutgers, Rutgers Shalom/Salaam, NJ State Association of Jewish Federations, NJ Interfaith Coalition, NJ Anti-Defamation League, Foundation for Ethnic Understanding, Monmouth Center for World Religions and Ethical Thought, and Jewish Catholic Muslim Dialogue of Southern NJ; cosponsors include more than120 organizations from across the state. 

Rally participants will call on students, faith leaders, public officials, and political candidates not to engage in speech that denigrates any religious, ethnic, or gender community.

Contact Rabbi Esther Reed at rabbireed@rutgershillel.org or 732-545-2407.

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