Sharey Tefilo-Israel, B’nai Jeshurun win titles

Sharey Tefilo-Israel, B’nai Jeshurun win titles

Temple B’nai Jeshurn, winners of the B Division title, include, top row, from left, Paul Talbert, David Stecklow, Brett Freimauer, Dan Jacobs, Mike Birnberg, Eli Heitin, Rich Blann, and Jason Conn. Bottom row, from left, Brett Rodriguez, Darren Port
Temple B’nai Jeshurn, winners of the B Division title, include, top row, from left, Paul Talbert, David Stecklow, Brett Freimauer, Dan Jacobs, Mike Birnberg, Eli Heitin, Rich Blann, and Jason Conn. Bottom row, from left, Brett Rodriguez, Darren Port

Sharey Tefilo-Israel (South Orange) won the 2016 Livingston Temple Softball League A Division title, defeating B’nai B’rith (South Orange), 19-4. 

B’nai Jeshurun (Short Hills) doubled up on the squad from Congregation B’nai Israel (Millburn), 30-15 to take the B Division crown.

The games were held Aug. 7.

STI finished the regular season with a record of 11-1, best in its division, while B’nai Jeshurun took second place in “B” with a mark of 7-3. Rain played havoc with the schedule, forcing doubleheaders and a few cancellations.

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