Reject this deal
Both Gov. Chris Christie and Rabbi Shmuley Boteach stated clearly that Cory Booker is a friend of theirs (“Christie urges Booker to reject Iran deal,” Aug. 27). For the rabbi, Cory Booker is a close family friend going back many years.
But the reason we were all gathered at the Chabad House of Rutgers on Aug. 25 was because we all need to contact Booker, New Jersey’s junior U.S. senator, to urge him to vote on the Iran deal not once, but twice: once when the deal first comes before the Senate, and after again it is vetoed. We must do everything we can to defeat this deal.
Sen. Menendez, the state’s senior senator, has definitively presented his position: total opposition.
Cory Booker apparently is undecided. How he could ever be undecided is beyond me. He’s familiar with his constituency. He knows who his supporters are. He knows who elected him here in New Jersey.
Contact Cory Booker (Washington office, 202 224-3224; Newark office, 973 639-8700) and voice your opposition to the deal. Tell him how you want him to vote.
Cheryl Bass