Rabbi Leah Sterneberg

Rabbi Leah Sterneberg

Leah Sternberg
Leah Sternberg

RABBI LEAH STERNBERG joined Congregation B’nai Jeshurun (TBJ) in Short Hills as assistant rabbi. Sternberg previously served congregations in Oregon, Colorado, and California; she worked as a chaplain intern at the Los Angeles Jewish Home and served as rabbinic intern for the southern California region of NFTY, the Reform movement’s youth group. Her passion for social justice led her to work as manager of Jewish engagement and advocacy for the Jewish Center for Justice in Los Angeles. 

“I am motivated by my dedication to tikkun olam and making our world a more equal and just place, and believe the Jewish community has the capacity to work toward making that a reality,” she said. “I am guided by Jewish texts and tradition in my advocacy and activism work, and believe every member of our community — from preschoolers through adulthood — have the ability to impact change.” 

Sternberg was raised in West Bloomfield, Mich., was active in NFTY, and attended URJ Camp George in Ontario, Canada. She received her bachelor’s in history and Jewish studies from the University of Michigan in 2014 and her ordination in May from Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion’s (HUC-JIR). She also holds a certificate in Jewish nonprofit management from the Zelikow School of Jewish Nonprofit Management at HUC-JIR. 

“I have big dreams to help our Jewish community reach its greatest potential in all aspects of Jewish life as we dive deeper into the changing nature of 21st-century Judaism, and am excited to put those dreams into action.”

Sternberg will be installed at TBJ on Sept.13 at 5:30 p.m. Visit tbj.org for more information.

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