Preserving history

Preserving history

I would like to express my appreciation to NJJN and Robert Wiener, specifically, for their recent feature article about the Erste Bershader K.U.V. film project, “A Slice of History” (March 22). I also want to thank Linda Forgosh, executive director of The Jewish Historical Society of New Jersey, and Bruce Bertrand, videographer, for their work in converting the films and promoting recognition of this project, so nicely explained in Wiener’s story.  

What started for me as a casual interest has turned into a genuine effort to consolidate and preserve what is known about the organization’s history and good works. As I delve deeper, I am meeting other descendants of former Erste Bershader KUV members. I am struck by the broad-ranging social impact that the organization had on Jews of prior generations that continue to this day. I believe that these films are just the tip of the iceberg in terms of what can still be learned.

My hope is that Wiener’s article will raise awareness of my work so that anyone who has any memorabilia or who knows about the Erste Bershader K.U.V. (or its affiliated organizations in Brooklyn and Philadelphia) will share what they know so that it can be preserved for generations to come. I can be reached at 

Gary Levenston
Boca Raton, Fla.

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