Plaque to the future

Plaque to the future

I would like to add my compliments to fellow genealogists Harold Kravis and Judy Salomon who were highlighted in the May 15 article, “Going to the wall for lost plaques.”

Harold and I were introduced to’s memorial plaque project at last summer’s 33rd International Conference on Jewish Genealogy in Boston. Harold’s project was introduced at our October meeting of the Jewish Genealogical Society of North Jersey and he has been hard at work ever since. He is not only determined to find the plaques of his ancestors, but has been energetically searching for all the plaques that once hung in the now defunct Newark synagogues. His amazing detective skills have served him well. As reported, his zeal has spilled over to Judy Salomon who has
indexed her synagogue as have other members. We are hoping it appeals to many people both within and outside of our group.

If you would like to know how to initiate the project in your own synagogue or would like assistance in researching your ancestors, feel free to contact us. You can find our contact information on our web site, or call 732-752-3384.

Susan Kobren
President, Jewish Genealogical Society of North Jersey

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