No marijuana in Highland Park

No marijuana in Highland Park

As a member of the Highland Park Borough Council, and as the father of two adolescents, I am concerned about the likely legalization of recreational marijuana in New Jersey and the possibility of marijuana being sold in Highland Park.

There is scientific evidence that has proven that marijuana, with its active addictive ingredient, THC, poses serious risks, particularly for developing brains. Also, smoking marijuana produces cancer-causing toxins and chronic lung disease, may lower IQ, and cause brain cell damage, mental illness, and motor vehicle accidents.

I support the bill that State Senator Ron Rice has sponsored that would remove criminal penalties for small amounts of marijuana but would not create a system that would legalize marijuana in New Jersey.

I am advocating passage of an ordinance to prevent businesses in Highland Park from selling marijuana (medicinal and recreational) and its paraphernalia.

The next council meeting is scheduled for Oct. 23 at 7 p.m. I urge all Highland Park residents who are concerned about the possibility of marijuana being sold in town to attend Borough Council meetings and make their voices heard.

Josh Fine

Borough of Highland Park

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