NJJN panders to liberals
I read Gary Rosenblatt’s “Choosing between Trump, the foe and the ally” (Feb. 1) twice after I read Gabe Kahn’s “Rep. Frelinghuysen: A stranger among us” (Feb. 1) twice. I’m so disappointed in NJJN. It seems that no matter how NJJN massages its words, it still must assault the clear friends of Israel to patronize the liberal/progressive Jewish population of N.J. Yes, I know the writers pointed out some “good” things about both Frelinghuysen and Trump. To my mind, this is dishonest reporting. Your “left-handed” compliments are insults and pander to your liberal/progressive interests only.
So far, it seems to me that the Trump administration has shown much more integrity than the Obama administration. It has offered real assistance to world peace. It has offered real help and protection to Israel and to the peaceful Arab and Muslim citizens of the Middle East.
And while NJJN might find Pres. Trump’s communication skills distasteful, his administration’s accomplishments have been visible to the citizens of the U.S. without the tricky specialty lenses of partisan journalists, economists, and “talking heads.”
Mostly, however, I am disappointed by the lack of grace shown by our local Jewish brothers and sisters, who have taken the Trump administration’s support for Israel against the threat of Iranian nuclear proliferation, Hezbollah in Syria and Lebanon, and other threats to Israel’s existence; put it in their pocket; taken it off the table; and then pointed out, vociferously, their disdain for the American president who has perhaps done more good for Israel’s safety than any other so far. And all this with your written approval and encouragement. I’m sure NJJN is not ashamed, but you should be.
Hank Heller