LONG BRANCH-RESIDENT Ruth Hyman presents a generous gift

LONG BRANCH-RESIDENT Ruth Hyman presents a generous gift

Ruth Hyman and Gerald Levine at the April meeting of Jersey Shore Post 125 of the Jewish War Veterans.
Ruth Hyman and Gerald Levine at the April meeting of Jersey Shore Post 125 of the Jewish War Veterans.

LONG BRANCH-RESIDENT Ruth Hyman presented a generous gift to Jersey Shore Post 125 of the Jewish War Veterans (JWV) of the United States of America at a lunch meeting on April 20. Post 125 supports veterans’ activities at New Jersey’s VA hospitals and veterans’ homes as well as activities of the national JWV organization that promote legislation to protect and improve veterans’ benefits for all of the country’s former service personnel. Hyman’s gift was accepted on behalf of Post 125 by Post Commander Allan Solden following her introduction by Honorary New Jersey JWV Commander Gerald Levine. Also in attendance at the meeting was current Department of New Jersey JWV Commander Al Adler.

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