Lloyd Kahn

Lloyd Kahn

Lloyd Kahn, 87, of Monroe Township died Jan. 31, 2013. Born in Hillesheim, Germany, he left shortly after Kristallnacht in 1938. His family settled in Marshall, Ill., and he later lived in Edison and Denver before moving to Monroe 19 years ago.

Mr. Kahn worked at Shell Oil and U.S. Geological Survey in Denver. In 1966 he moved to Edison to become chief chemist and a quality assurance specialist for 28 years at the Environmental Protection Agency EPA. He is the author of “The Lloyd Kahn Method,” referenced by the EPA for water pollution measurement.

He earned a BA in chemistry from University of Illinois.

He served in the U.S. Army.

He was an active member of Congregation Neve Shalom, Metuchen; Adath Israel, Woodbridge; and Congregation Beit Shalom, Monroe. He served as men’s club president and bulletin co-editor at Neve Shalom, president of B’nai B’rith Menorah Lodge in Woodbridge, and as House chairman for 19 years at Congregation Beit Shalom.

Predeceased by his wife of 56 years, Lillian, he is survived two daughters, Lynette (Leonard) Seader of East Brunswick and Laureen Kahn of Edison, and two grandsons.

Services were held Feb. 3 with arrangements by Mount Sinai Memorial Chapels, East Brunswick. Memorial contributions may be made to Jewish Federation of Middlesex County.

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