Leslie Torok

Leslie Torok

Mr. Leslie Torok, 98, of Highland Park died Oct. 23, 2017. A Holocaust survivor born in Kosiche, Czechoslovakia, he came to the United States in 1949, settling in New Brunswick. He resided for many years in South Brunswick before moving to Highland Park in 1979. 

Mr. Torok was the owner/operator of Choice Cleaners of New Brunswick until retiring in 1980. 

He was a member of Congregation Ohav Emeth, Highland Park.

Predeceased by his first wife, Harriet Weiss, in 1980, he is survived by his wife, Frieda Abramovitz Torok; his son, Jeffrey of Bradenton, Fla.; his daughter, Linda (David) Veglatte of South Brunswick; and three grandchildren.

Services were held Oct. 25 with arrangements by Crabiel Parkwest Funeral Chapel, New Brunswick.

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