Starting from 1947, 188,475 pages of the NJJN now available online

Starting from 1947, 188,475 pages of the NJJN now available online

JHS completes digitization of NJJN.

An archived version of The Jewish News, now available online. via
An archived version of The Jewish News, now available online. via

THE JEWISH HISTORICAL Society of New Jersey (JHS) has completed digitizing NJJN from the start of the paper in 1947, when it was known as The Jewish News.

More than 188,475 pages of the newspaper, through September 2016, are now easily accessed and searchable by keyword at

The database “is intended to promote Jewish identity and continuity by not only preserving our community’s history, but making it immediately accessible to the world on-line,” said JHS President Robert Rose. “The paper details the many challenging religious, social, and political issues our community has faced in a rapidly changing world over the past
70 years.”

The database — which includes full text of articles, photographs with captions, as well as lifecycle announcements — has been an invaluable tool for genealogical and historical research on the many issues affecting the community.

Funding for the project was provided by the Gottesman family, Friends of the Jewish News, and members of JHS and its board.

For information about the project or JHS, contact Executive Director Linda Forgosh at 973-929-2994 or

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