It’s a tradition — Fair & Expo at the Y

It’s a tradition — Fair & Expo at the Y

Amira Greenfield was among the vendors taking part in the Union Y’s Fair and Expo on Nov. 21. Photos by Elaine Durbach
Amira Greenfield was among the vendors taking part in the Union Y’s Fair and Expo on Nov. 21. Photos by Elaine Durbach

If there is proof that a tradition has taken root, this must be it: No sooner had the YM-YWHA of Union County’s ninth annual Jewish Fair and Expo ended this past Sunday than the organizers were talking about the next one.

Jani Jonas, the Y’s program director and a member of the organizing committee, declared, “We’re on next year for the 10th Jewish Fair and Expo anniversary — on Sunday, Nov. 20, 2011.”

As they have done every fall since 2001, people of all ages gathered at the Y on Sunday for kids’ crafts, talks, movies, music, choral singing, food, some pre-holiday shopping, and a lot of socializing.

As Jonas and others noted, the crowd was a little lighter than in some years — around 300. “But,” she said, “as always, the fair was a big success in accomplishing our goal: celebrating the history, culture, and traditions of our Jewish community and keeping our ‘presence’ strong.”

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