Harry Z. Rosenzweig

Harry Z. Rosenzweig

Harry Z. Rosenzweig, 71, of Monroe Township died April 27, 2011. A Holocaust survivor, he was born in Radomsk, Poland, and resided in Israel and East Brunswick before moving to Monroe in 2001.

Mr. Rosenzweig was owner/operator of Branch Electric Company in East Brunswick.

He was a congregant of B’nai Tikvah in North Brunswick.

Predeceased by his first wife, Toby, he is survived by his wife of 11 years, Susan A. Zieselman Rosenzweig; three sons, Philip of Bryn Mawr, Pa., Jeff of Rancho Palos Verdes, Calif., and David of New York City; three stepsons, Neil Zieselman of Bridgewater, Marc Zieselman of Monroe, and Steven Zieselman of New York City; a brother, Sam of California; a sister, Shoshanna Hadef of New Jersey; and nine grandchildren.

Services were held April 29 with arrangements by Mount Sinai Memorial Chapels, East Brunswick. Memorial contributions may be made to the Harry Rosenzweig Fund, c/o The Cancer Institute of New Jersey Foundation, Tower Two, Fifth Floor, 120 Albany St., New Brunswick, NJ 08901-9919.

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