

Emily Goodman, daughter of Laurie and Bruce Goodman of Montclair, was married Oct. 6, 2012, to Peter Ryan, son of Patricia and Richard Ryan of King of Prussia, Pa.

Rabbi Bill Kurry and Rev. Father John M. O’Sullivan performed the ceremony at The Inn at Fernbrook Farms, Bordentown.

The new Mrs. Ryan, a graduate of Montclair Kimberley Academy, earned her bachelor’s degree in public health from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, and is a candidate for a master’s degree in public health at George Washington University, Washington, DC. She is a health policy analyst with the Government Accountability Office in Washington, DC.

Mr. Ryan earned his bachelor’s degree in writing seminars from Johns Hopkins University, and earned a certificate in graphic design from Boston University Center for Imaging Arts. He is a graphic designer with Symplicity Corporation, Arlington, Va.

The couple resides in Washington, DC.

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