Frida Gortler
Frida Gortler of West Orange died July 26, 2012. A Holocaust survivor, she was born in Poland and also lived in Israel, Newark, Edison, and Maplewood.
Mrs. Gortler was a member of Congregation Ahavath Zion, Maplewood. An avid walker, she was a member of the Menlo Park Walker’s Group, and also was a volunteer at Deborah Hospital and Edison Senior Citizens Club.
Predeceased by her husband, Hersh, she is survived by three daughters, Goldie Jacoby, Bella Klein, and Frances Dmiszewicki; eight grandchildren; and 10 great-grandchildren.
Services were held July 27 with arrangements by Bernheim-Apter-Kreitzman Suburban Funeral Chapel, Livingston. Memorial contributions may be made to General Israel Orphan’s Home for Girls, 132 Nassau St., New York, NY 10038; or Children’s Village of Jerusalem, 15 Beekman St., New York, NY 10038.