Films on Shoa rescues at MRT
Two Holocaust-era films will be screened at Monmouth Reform Temple in Tinton Falls, Sunday, Nov. 22, 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
The first, 50 Children, tells the story of Gilbert and Eleanor Kraus, a Jewish couple from Philadelphia who in the spring of 1939 embarked on a risky and unlikely mission. Traveling to Nazi Austria, they rescued 50 Jewish children from Vienna and brought them to the United States. The film will be followed by discussion and a light brunch.
Rescue in the Philippines, narrated by Liev Schreiber, is about the moral courage of an influential few in the Philippines who saved the lives of 1,300 Jewish men, women, and children from Nazi Europe in the days leading to World War II. A survivor, now living in New Jersey, will be a guest at the screening. A discussion will follow.
Admission is free; donations are appreciated. Contact 732-747-9365 or