Federation invites applicants for camp incentive grants

Federation invites applicants for camp incentive grants

THE JEWISH FEDERATION in the Heart of New Jersey, in partnership with Foundation for Jewish Camp (FJC), is accepting applications for “One Happy Camper” incentive grants up to $1,000 for children to attend a nonprofit Jewish overnight camp for the first time. 

The federation is looking to extend up to 60 need-blind incentive grants, which are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis, for summer 2018.

Director of community impact Laura Safran said, “Today’s Jewish camps are world-class and offer the highest quality programs in sports, performing arts, technology, and more. Young people who participate in the joyful and immersive experience of Jewish camp tend to remain connected to Jewish life and leadership roles as adults.” 

Since 2006, FJC has partnered with over 100 North American federations, foundations, camp movements, and camps as well as the Jim Joseph Foundation (JWest) and the Harold Grinspoon Foundation (PJ Goes to Camp) to provide over 70,000 grants totaling almost $70 million.

“The Jewish summer camp experience affects children in countless ways and opens their hearts to the joy of being Jewish,” said FJC CEO Jeremy J. Fingerman. “We are passionate about making that experience possible for every Jewish child and deeply grateful to all of our partners who share our commitment to that goal.”

In addition to One Happy Camper grants, the federation offers need-based grants and grants for special-needs camp options. For information, visit jewishheartnj.org/camp.

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