Cooking at camp with Fishbein and Friends

This summer, New Jersey Y Camps launched Susie Fishbein and Friends Culinary Institute. Campers had a choice of 14 sessions of cooking workshops, held in a brand-new, state-of-the-art kitchen located at the border between Camps Shoshanim and Nesher, the Orthodox girls’ and coed camps, respectively. The kitchen was designed to specifications provided by Fishbein, author of the “Kosher by Design” series of cookbooks and a Livingston resident.
Fishbein, who will also run the program in 2017, also taught six of the sessions in the institute, which included a total of about 150 campers. Among them was Ayla Wrubel of Watchung, who said she learned a lot of culinary techniques, including “how to do things that I never thought had to be done a certain way — like cutting an onion.” She added, “When you see a recipe that looks really difficult — it was cool to see that it’s not as difficult doing it yourself when you learn the proper way to do it.”
Camper Gavriel Berman of Highland Park acknowledged that he came to the program with little experience in the kitchen. “Now I can go home and cook for my family,” he said. Of course, he added, after learning from a professional, he’s feeling some pressure. “My mom,” he said, “is expecting me to make her a gourmet meal when I get home!”