Community at its best

Community at its best

Johanna Ginsberg’s article on the Scott family (“Family suffers house fire; aid pours in from community,” July 15) reminds me of why I am so glad to be a part of this community, particularly the Hebrew Academy of Morris County community.

One of the most remarkable and noteworthy forms of support that I observed in the weeks and months after the fire and the passing of Evelyn’s mother was the extent to which their daughters’ friends spontaneously and frequently exemplified the values that make us so proud as parents. So many of the children attended the funeral, comforted the family during shiva, helped with important tasks, and thoughtfully showed that they know what community is as well. Several of Dana Scott’s friends came together to throw her a surprise sweet sixteen party several weeks later (her birthday was on the day of the fire). And so many of the Jewish dads showed the same wonderful “roll up your sleeves and just get it done” approach as the moms featured in the article. These events brought out the best in our entire community.

Julie A. Stone

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