

Contrary to what was asserted in the article about my formation of the “Rabbi for Trump” Facebook group (“Rabbi for Trump seeks ‘like’- minded Jews,” Dec. 29), I did not “downplay” the fact that white supremacists “is attracting white supremacists.” In addition, why was it necessary to discuss my activities with Rutgers, Yeshiva University, and the Metuchen-Edison Area Interfaith Clergy  Association? What did this have to do with the story?

Please be aware that “Rabbi for Trump” has a substantial following. Feel free to look at the site. It is also interesting that there are numerous articles being published about those rabbis who are quite liberal in their support of Hillary Clinton and support admitting Syrian refugees into this country despite the FBI director’s admission that there are “certain gaps” in the vetting process. I for one do not want to see my family murdered.

It is chutzpa to compare the Syrian refugee crisis with the Holocaust. That is disgraceful.

Rabbi Dr. Bernhard Rosenberg

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