Caring community
I want to take this opportunity to commend the NJ Jewish News for the thorough coverage of our new project, Creating a Caring Community Together (“Helping shul groups improve pastoral care,” Oct. 17).
We are very excited to partner and collaborate with synagogues, organizations, and individuals in creating or enhancing caring, hesed, bikur holim, and mitzva committees in the Greater MetroWest community. However, I want to point out to the entire community that we are indebted to Atlantic Health for making this project possible. It was through our involvement with the Interfaith Council of Atlantic Health that we were able to partner, cooperate, and collaborate with them to help put this program on the community agenda.
The support of Atlantic Healthcannot be underestimated.
Cecille Allman Asekoff
DirectorJoint Chaplaincy Committee of Greater MetroWest