Booker’s record
Andrew Silow-Carroll’s column, “Talk Orthodox, Vote Reform,” (Aug. 15) presented the facts, but reached the wrong conclusion.
Yes, Cory Booker studies Torah and learns Hebrew phrases; but it’s all for gaining Jewish donations and getting the Jewish vote.
This Jew is not impressed with Booker’s Torah knowledge and his Hebrew words. He’s not getting thisJew’s vote.
Home to this Jew was in a suburb outside of Newark. My neighbors worked in Newark, lived in Newark, grew up in Newark, and couldn’t wait to get out of Newark. Newark had one of the largest Jewish populations of all American cities. Newark synagogues realized they needed to move to the surrounding suburbs, such as Maplewood, Short Hills, and South Orange.
What has Cory Booker done to attract the Jewish population back to their old neighborhoods? Newark under his administration is Detroit on the Hudson. The only thing Cory Booker has done successfully is get good publicity for himself. True, previous mayors of Newark committed larceny and were corrupt. So Booker is an improvement.
But what has Cory Booker accomplished in Newark? He’s had more money at his disposal than other New Jersey mayors. The city hasn’t been restored. Newark has deteriorated. Tremendous amounts of funding have gone to Newark. Gone. Gone and forgotten. Economic results are negative.
My Jewish vote goes to Steve Lonegan.
Cheryl Bass