Bogus process

Bogus process

Gary Rosenblatt’s Between the Lines, “Israel-Gaza clash about outlook, not borders” (April 12), was an excellent article. The “March of Return” in Gaza is a tell. Like Yasser Arafat, who negotiated peace in bad faith, Hamas and the Palestinian Authority demand the right of return be extended to all “Palestinians,” nearly five million designated “refugees,” even though only 30,000 would actually be returning. 

It is an intentional obfuscation of intent and the reason the “peace process” was bogus to begin with. It also exempts the Palestinians’ leadership from successfully creating their own state in conformity with the two-state solution; Jerusalem’s status and the right of return were known obstacles to the process, but the fact is those two items are demands in place that have nullified the process from the start.

Frank Haskell

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