‘Beyond the Rainbow’ to discuss LGBTQ needs in our community

‘Beyond the Rainbow’ to discuss LGBTQ needs in our community

JFS METROWEST is hosting “Beyond the Rainbow,” a panel discussion about LGBTQ needs in our community, on Tuesday, June 12, from 7-8:30 p.m. at the JCC MetroWest in West Orange. The program features four panelists: Phoenix Schneider is a transactivist, educator, and social worker specializing in program development and direct services in the LGBTQ communities. Jamie Bruesehoff is a writer, speaker, advocate, and mother of three children, including an 11-year-old transgender daughter. Karen Perolman, associate director at Congregation B’nai Jeshurun in Short Hills, is a passionate supporter of feminism and social justice. Mary Kay Carney is an advanced practice nurse working with children and adolescents in a variety of mental health settings. She has been married to her partner for 16 years and they are raising three adopted children. 

The program is free; it is funded by the E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Foundation. For information and to register, contact Sylvia Heller at 973-765-9050, ext. 1708, or sheller@jfsmetrowest.org. 

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