Am Yisrael chai

Am Yisrael chai

We are never ready, and yet we are always ready. I think I already knew there was bad news coming about our three boys, Eyal, Gilad, and Naftali, and yet when I saw the posts begin to show up on Facebook, I was still heartbroken. 

There have already been so many eloquent words written and spoken, from Rabbi Jonathan Sacks; from the boys’ esteemed teacher, Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz; from Benji Lovitt, normally a hilarious comedian in Tel Aviv who is today another grieving Israeli; and even from one of the mothers. I don’t have much to add, other than that I know this community of ours had already taken these boys into our hearts. Now we will cherish their memories and seek to provide comfort to their families.

Next week I will be in Israel, with the Campaign Chairs & Directors Mission from Jewish Federations of North America. On this, my first week as president of this amazing federation, I promise to convey how much all of us in Greater MetroWest share in the sorrow of the families and of all Israel. I hope we have an opportunity to visit with our friends in Gush Etzion while we are in Israel, as they are bearing up under so much loss. 

We stand together, as one people, as one community. And that is why, although we never want to be ready, we will always be ready to protect ourselves, and our Land.

Am Yisrael chai.

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