A symbol of hate

A symbol of hate

How dare the Anti-Defamation League downgrade the swastika as an anti-Jewish hate symbol! (“ADL audit sees decline in anti-Semitic incidents,” July 29). It is stupid to assert that the Nazi insignia has become “a more generalized symbol of hate.” Almost a year ago on Yom Kippur evening my synagogue, Congregation Beth El, had numerous swastikas painted on the building. No one has been caught. Numerous additional swastikas have appeared in Edison, and no perpetrators have been captured. I saw a skinhead personally and no one followed up on my report.

I have been asking for an investigation by the ADL for almost a year. This article explains why the ADL has done little or nothing. The ADL weighs in on the mosque near Ground Zero, yet remains relatively quiet about swastikas in my town and in particular on my synagogue building. The ADL also forgives Oliver Stone, who is laughing all the way to the bank and getting free publicity for his anti-Semitic remarks

I lost most of my family in the Holocaust, including two siblings and all grandparents. I will not remain silent. I owe it to my parents, of blessed memory, who survived Auschwitz and Buchenwald.

Rabbi Dr. Bernhard Rosenberg

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