A critical need
I would like to thank Elaine Durbach for her wonderful article spotlighting Jewish Family Service’s new partnership with Sharsheret and Trinitas Medical Center’s’ Cancer Center in helping Jewish women affected by breast and ovarian cancer (“Women meet to further cancer education effort,” March 10).
This collaboration is one part of the Kesher grant, generously funded by the Jewish Federation of Central New Jersey, and enables Jewish Family Service to meet a critical need and in our community.
I did want to clarify one aspect regarding Sharsheret’s mission: Although the article states that “Sharsheret’s initial focus was Orthodox women,” the organization has always included Jewish women from a wide range of denominational backgrounds; Sharsheret has the sensitivity and ability to relate and assist all Jewish women.
If you are interested in learning more about the Sharsheret program being developed in the central New Jersey community, contact Jewish Family Service at 908-352-8375 or sbloomberg@jfscentralnj.org.
Shari Bloomberg, LCSW
Jewish Family Service of Central NJ